My left hand is a helping hand
a (mostly) willing partner
of the alpha appendage
loyal, unsung hero
but sister can grip a coffee cup
a steering wheel
she can lift a glass of wine
and so much more
if Right is otherwise
Other reflections:
It would be hard to pick up a baby without my left hand (and the attached arm)
My very own daughter is left-handed, yes!
When I was 10 I fell out of a tree and broke my right ulna and radius; when I was 32 I flared a borrowed parachute a tad too high and broke the same bones again, forcing the dominant hand to take a sabbatical. Helper hand had to take over all the duties; like writing, washing dishes, washing myself, washing others. I’m not quite sure how I drew up injections one-handed, or gave injections, or took blood pressures, or any of the other night-nurse duties that fell to me back then. But somehow I did.
Isn’t it amazing how bones mend all on their own?
Right hand, left brain; left hand, right brain -- no wonder the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing!
Five times, no less
the weaker hand led the way
pulled the reserve ripcord
on the left side of the harness
saving my life again
it’s the Left hand
who has worn the wedding band
for more than 16 years now.
A record for me, I might add
and an honor
for the unsung sinister finger
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