I am quite happy to stand at the sink and eat left-over pizza cold out of the refrigerator, and I am equally happy eating boat hash out of a pot on a bumpy ocean, but sometimes I like to get fussy and fancy and set a nice table. This morning I wanted to make soft boiled eggs with the cute little Delft egg cups hubby and I brought back from Holland. My grandmother Mary Leonard, whom we affectionately called "Bobo" taught me to set a nice table with whatever's on hand, and that's what I did this Sunday morning.
Growing up, I loved soft-boiled eggs; when I was pregnant I lived on them. But I needed a refresher on cooking them, so I googled "3 minute egg" and came up with Susan Keeping's directions on Howtodothings.com (Then I got side-tracked with Susan's other blogs, namely the Uninvited Writer http://www.uninvitedwriter.com/ (Will somebody please tell me how to make the links work so all you have to do is click on the high-lighted words?)
A three-minute egg is a three-minute egg, even at 7,000 feet, I discovered. I also discovered Bob likes his eggs cooked for 3-and-a-half minutes. Vive la difference!
1 comment:
And I like a 4-minute egg, no runny yolks, almost but not quite hard boiled. I really love your pictures.
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