Asked by a fellow blogger (Not Rocket Science) to disclose ten things about myself, I nearly had a panic attack. What to confess to? I'm so fickle, things change, I'm hard to pin down. OK, feel the fear and do it. Here are ten random (subject to change) facts about me:
1.I sometimes take myself too seriously, except when I’m making light of myself. (OK, that doesn't count. Too evasive. How about this: I've been called aloof, a term that surprised me when I heard it, though I admit I do occasionally hide behind that persona...)
2.I admire green-thumbed people who like to garden but personally, I’m more of a hunter-gatherer.
3.My favorite color changes from hour to hour, but red and red-orange always rank right up there at the top.
4.I wish I had done LSD in my youth. "Just to see what the fuss was about" (Sheryl Crowe.)
5. If I were going to change my first name, I would probably choose Ann, Anne or Annie. So many of my favorite female writers have that name…
6. I love Wyoming and West Virginia; deserts, and the Ocean. On the other hand I love New York and Paris.
7. Dogs are cute but I kind of feel sorry for them. Cats, on the other hand, are to be emulated. And obeyed.
8. I quite often tear up when talking to people.
9. I hate politics and current events. I never read People Magazine, I don't care what or who the Personalities are doing. I try to avoid Trendy Hipsters.
10. I think I’m on the edge of discovering time travel, so if it seems like I'm not really all there, maybe I've gone..
Care to trade ten for ten? I'd love to know you better...
Thank you for visiting my blog. You have interesting posts and I’ll come and read some more. I can’t talk about very personal things like you do, with ease. Maybe later on, I’ll be able to. I started my blog as a way for my two small grand children to know about my background. I hope that if and when they ever read it they will learn something, so I try to make the posts informative, but maybe they will just be boring to them. I read your posts about fears – and you know I tried to think of at least one fear I had, and I could not come up with one. I just kind of feel like che sera, sera. But since you asked, I’ll tell you what I don’t like – I don’t like greed and materialistic people – don’t like super religious folks who shove their religion down your throats – don’t like ignorance and laziness of mind – don’t like bad manners or vulgarity – don’t like people who are afraid of making waves, who want to stick to the status quo. OK 5 don’t likes – about 5 likes: I like to read a lot – like music (all kinds, Jazz, Tango, Afropop, Classical, World, Folk, etc.) – like a good gourmet dinner – like to be among people of many countries and cultures – like to be surrounded by birds and flowers – like to be on a trip of planning one, that makes 5. Cheers VB
What a great list! I know I freaked a little when asked to come up with 10 things about myself. I wondered what about me could be all that interesting!
I knew I found you interesting and somewhat familiar - I've been called aloof; my favorite color is red; my name is ANdrea and was called ANN a big part of it but always wanted my name to be ANNelise; I wish I too had done more "things" in my younger years - then this memory loss of old age would have been worth it!
I didn't know most of those thing about you, but it seems like being aloof and tearing up are kind of opposites, so you pretty much cover the gamut. I have to agree with all five of Vagabonde's dislikes too, so I'll add: I love Ben &Jerry's Caramel Sutra; wish I still meditated and plan to get back to it; prefer rain and clouds to full sun day after day; prefer simple food to gourmet; love to read and always have several books going at once.
The thing I like best about this picture of you is its informality. It looks like you just got out of bed (hair mussed) and the tender expression tells me you are looking at Bob and not at the camera.
Hey-ho's me trade o' secrets........
Love catchin' up wit' your blog!
(not to be confused with: 50 Things About Me, Name 2 Things, Name 3 Things, Answer All These Questions That No One Will Ever Read The Answers To and What's Your Pirate/Superhero/Werewolf/Crayon/Favorite Sandwich Name?
Just 7? Ok, that's going to take some narrowing down. In whose eyes? My own?
The General Public at Large? My Third Grade Nun? My last beau?
You see, it's all relative. (Wait! Don't ask my relatives! Anyway, I'm adopted.)
Submitted, in descending order, for your approval:
10. I collect old, dirty wooden salad bowls. Now, on the surface this may not qualify as especially weird. Not until it got out of hand, anyway.........
9. I have an exceptionally HUGE Personal Space. It's so huge as to make other people uncomfortable. Those who know me have been known to draw a chalk outline around me when I'm faced with newcomers.
8. I can legally put "Pirate" on my IRS returns. (I don't...but I like knowing that I can.)
7. Coriander makes my lips swell.
Now that I think about it I really don't know if this is 'Ascending' or 'Descending' order.
It makes my head fuzzy to think about it. Which brings me to:
6. I'm hopeless at math, logic and word problems.
5. If I could bring my Dog and my Cat I would board a pirate ship tomorrow and sail to a past century....and never return.
Why tomorrow?
4. I can't leave the house for an adventure unless it's completely spotless and I've shaved my legs.
3. My passion is extinguished by the smell of after shave.
I know. But it is. Give me the smell of a dried in the sun linen shirt....honest sweat, rosemary and bergamot soap or leather on a guy and I'm good to go. But one whiff of after shave and/or cologne and I completely shut down. And there's no getting it back either. Don't even try. (So, if you ever want me to not want to sleep with you...well, now you know. Gosh, add a wee bouquet of coriander to that and you've got yourself a regular little vile of Anti-Violet Potion-No Known Antidote!)
I also cannot abide a man who is frightened of a bodice. I can only like a guy who knows his way around stays. Can put one on me with no trepidation and little difficulty and, when the occasion calls for it, take it off as well without fear in his soul. Now, before you accuse me of trying to sneak in another Weird Thing I'd just like to point out that all of #3 is related. (No, please don't ask people I'm related to...) I've found that men who are not afraid of a bodice always smell like sun dried linen and leather.......
2. I am an obsessive collage-er. It's true. I wield a glue stick like a cutlass. If I didn't collage it then it can't be happening....that's my motto!
1. My weirdness doesn't bother me. It just bothers other people. The kind of people who don't like that I live on Isle de Violet. In fact, I'm probably not even all that weird. Wilff, the Gnome that lives in my house, told me so.
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